The Dangerous Psychopath
Brief descriptions:
THE DEMAGOGUE: Harangues his followers with emotional exhortations broadcast over any media he can invade - bullhorn, megaphone, radio, television, print, Twitter, anything at all. He eschews logic and relies on emotion, and what he is really is doing is treating his true-believer followers as dogs and his tweets as a dog whistle or a pull on a leash attached to a dog collar.
THE NARCISSIST: Simply has delusions of grandeur masking a deep-seated inferiority complex
THE SOCIOPATH: Is only interested in control and winning. He's willing to lie, cheat and steal while feeling neither guilt, shame or remorse. He has no conscience and only a hole where his heart should be. Sociopaths and psychopaths make up no more than 4% of society but the gravitate to positions of power where they can do untold damage.
There are subtle differences between the sociopath and the psychopath. The sociopath is created from an event in his past, possibly in childhood or adolescence. He is outer-directed, thoughtless and spontaneous, often with little or no premeditation. He is quick to anger, and willing to use name-calling, bullying or any other tactic to get his way. Donald Trump is the classic sociopath.
A psychopath, in contrast, is born rather than made. He is innately heartless and cruel and will employ whatever means necessary, to achieve his ends. He is inner-directed, plans his actions and is thoughtful and methodical, always with his end objective in view. And he will willingly kill someone whom he sees as an obstacle to achieving his goal. Vladimir Putin is a classic psychopath.
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